Earlier this month, we wrote about the requirement for every U.S. entity that holds 10% or more of the voting securities of a foreign entity to file Form BE-10 with the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The BEA has extended the deadline for filing form BE-10 for new filers to June 30, 2015. For sponsors that have already requested an extension for filing, this new deadline does not change the extension that they have been given by the BEA (i.e., June 30 for filers of less than 50 forms, July 31 for filers of 50 to 100 forms and August 31, for filers of more than 100 forms).
All of the BE-10 forms and additional instructions and guidance, are available online at https://www.bea.gov/surveys/respondent_be10.htm. Filers can register on the site and submit the required forms online.